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The Nigeria Academic Forum Volume 19 No. 4, Nov. 2010

The paper begins with a general review of the concept of single parenthood as a situation where a parent looks after a child or children without a partner or simply put, an act of bringing up a child or children single handedly either by a male or female parent. This kind of family setting is known as single parent family. The paper states that we live in a society where over half of all children are born to single parents or into marriages that end in divorce, death, desertion, separation and pregnancy before marriage.

Academic Forum Volume 19 No.1, Nov. 2010

This paper examines the ample power and duties of a state Governor as prescribed by the Land Use Act 1978 (Cap. 202, L.F.N.1990). The powers and duties were accorded the Governor to enable him to effectively control and manage the land in his state. This position is taken by the legislature in order to make land acquisition easy for prospective investors, and for agricultural, industrial and residential purposes. To this end, all land comprised in the territory of a state has been vested in the governor, in trust, to be administered for the use and common benefit of all Nigerians.

Mutidisciplinary Journal of Academic Excellence Volume 3 No.3

The wave of ethnic violence and religious crises in Nigeria has reached such an alarming level that, if not arrested, may break up the country. It is against this background that this paper considers the use of citizenship education as a means by which Nigeria can attain the much needed unity and stability.. This paper concludes that citizenship education should be introduced at all levels of education and that if it is carefully and appropriately implemented, Nigeria will be more stable, strong, united and with higher sense of religious tolerance for its citizenry.

Academic Forum No. 3 Contents

Academic Forum No. 3 Contents

Academic Excellence Volume 2 No.2

Academic Excellence Volume 2 No.2

Academic Scholarship-Ukpaka table

Academic Scholarship-Ukpaka table

Nigerian Academic Forum Volume 20 No. 1, April 2011

English is the medium of instruction from Primary four to secondary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Teachers of all subjects are therefore expected to be proficient in use of English to ensure effective teaching-learning. Before graduation from Colleges of Education, the students must have participated in teaching practice successful at the Primary and Junior Secondary School levels. Some principals reject student-teachers posted to their schools on the ground of lack of proficiency in English to teach effectively by the student-teacher.

NAFAK 20 No.1 Contents and Contributions

NAFAK 20 No.1 Contents and Contributions

NAFAK 22 No.2 Contents and Contributions

NAFAK 22 No.2 Contents and Contributions

NAFAK 22 No. 1 Contents and Contributions

NAFAK 22 No. 1 Contents and Contributions

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