WORLD EDUCATORS FORUM (WEF) was founded by Prof. Byron U. Maduewesi, in collaboration with Prof. N. Panchanathan, in 2011.
Our objectives are:
1. To meet the needs of sustainable development in the world
2. To disseminate knowledge,academic research findings to and from academics.
3. To enhance Collaborative and cooperative learning projects.
4. To facilitate lifelong learning and social skills
WORLD EDUCATORS FORUM is an international association that is based in India. Towards the attainment of the above stated objectives, the association organizes academic conference in November of every year and publishes an international journal- World Educators Forum once a year in June/July.
Prof. Chris Nnadi
The Director, National Open University of Nigeria, Opi Study Centre, Opi Enugu State.
Phone No: +2348035491623
Dr. Princewill I. Egwuasi
Deputy Chairman
University of Uyo, Uyo
Phone No: +2348038955075
Prof. Byron U. Maduewesi
Executive Secretary
Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe P.M.B.1734, Onitsha with the Corporate Headquarters at 66 Old Market Road, P.O. Box 9952, Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria
Phone No: +2348140213810
Editorial Board of World Educators Forum
Prof. N. Panchanathan, Annamalai University, Annamalaimager - India.
Prof. Adagba Okpaga, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria.
Prof. Ekundayo J.D. Thompson, Institute of Personnel Administration & Mgt.
University of Sierra Leone Freetown.
Prof. S. G. N. Eze, Faculty of Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria
Prof. E. O. Imhanlahimi, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar TGT - N/M., Govt. Sr. Sec School, Kuftu, Distt. SOLAN HP 173207 India.