Volume 12 No. 1
ISSN 1596 – 974x
Enhancing Personal and Group Performance through Teams: Implications for Improved Organizational Growth - Dr. Ezimma K.N. Nnabuife
Elechi Amadi's Great Ponds and Petroleum Exploitation in Nigeria: The Challenge of Resource Control - Prof. A. O. I. Gabriel
Counselling Strategies for Eradication of Corrupt Practices Against Examination Malpractices - Anyamene Ada (Ph.D); Anyachebelu F. E. (Ph.D) and Okoye A. U. (Ph.D)
A General Review of 2006/2007 Session Final Year Painting Exhibition of Students in the Department of Fine Arts, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria -Mu'azu Mohammed Sani
Emergence of Six Sigma Techniques and Its Implication for Managing Enterprises in the Nigerian Environment - Okpoto Onabor Matthias
Implementation Issues in Environmental Education: Problems and Prospects -Amina Uniar Hamman
Personality Factors and Job Performance among Secondary School Teachers in Ekiti State, Nigeria - Dr. B. K. Oyewole
Application of Information and Communication Technology to Teaching and Learning in Colleges of Education - Dr. Rosemary C. Akuchie
Problems Confronting the Effective Implementation of the Universal Basic Education in Delta State, Nigeria - Dr. Romina Ifeoma Asiyai
Funding and Quality Control in Education in Nigeria - Sylvester Terna Mbayuav
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)- Based Science Education: Visions in the 21st Century Nigeria - Dr. Christy O. Nwachukwu
Implementation Issues in Nigerian Education System: A Case for Linking the School Curriculum with the Social Economic Life of the Local Community -Solomon Iheonunekwu and J. K. Ugbuta
Development of Mathematical Model for an Adiabatic Operation on Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in a Plug Flow Reactor -C.P. Ukpaka; N. Umesi and R.H. Gumus
Urban Poverty and Poor Housing Conditions in Benin City -Benson A. Iboaya and F. A llevbaoje
Effects of Video-Taped Instruction on Secondary School Students Achievement in History - Dr. Israel Olu Osokoya
A Survey of Science Teaching Methods in Edo State -Asiriuwa Olutoyin D.
Marketization of University Education in Nigeria: Implications for Access and Equity - Idumange, John Agreen and Nwaeke Godwin Chukwuemeka (Ph.D)
The Role of Women in Sustainable Development in Nigeria in the New Millennium: Strategies for Improving Women's Education -Orumwense, F. E
Rationale Behind Privatization in the Nigerian Economy - Yahaya James And Abdul Adamu
The Significance of Mbom Festival to the Socio-Cultural Development of Item Community - Mr. Udensi
The Integrated Science Teacher in the Successful Implementation of Integrated Science Curriculum in Nigeria - Rachel Ovuezirie Atomatofa and Stella E. Ewesor
Essentials for an Effective Entrepreneurship Education: The Vocational and Technical Education Linkage - Mr. Victor Onwukwe and Dr. I. N. Kanu
Problems and Prospects of Implementing Vocational and Technical Education in Nigerian Schools - Grace Johnson Etim and Ofonime Harry Otuo
Improving Vocational Agricultural Education in Nigeria -Madu, Victor U. and Usman, Monday
Analysis of Resource for the Teaching and Learning of Block-Laying, Brick Laying and Concrete Work at the Technical Colleges Level in Edo and Delta States - Chinyere Shirley Ayonmike
Historical Review on Achievement Testing: International Perspective -Dr. Iweka, Fidel. E.O
Modern Challenges of Office Secretaries and the Sustenance of Nation Building - Mrs. Oghogho U. Gbinigie