ISSN: 2408 - 6452
Sustaining Quality African Education for Sustainable Growth
and Development in Africa: A Critical Look at Ghana – Dr. Mohammed Ibn Mukhtar 1
Effective Management of Teachers for Quality Education in Colleges of Education in Nigeria for Sustainable Growth and Development – Cecilia Kwaghmimi Amough, Ph.D 22
Nigeria Home Grown School Feeding Programme and the Performance of Early Childhood Care Education for Sustainable Development – Dr. Friday Ogobi Ndifon and Dr. Edwin Okpa Bassey 30
Pragmatism: A Contemporary Philosophy That Promotes Quality Education and Sustainable Development – Dr. Charles Nzulumike 42
TVET and Local Technologies: A Tool for Curbing Global Challenges Hindering Sustainable Youth Empowerment and National Development – Joy Obiageli Nwokolo-Ojo; Cordelia Nwakego Agada and Nicholas Longkoom Shitmi 48
Sustaining Quality Pedantic Practices in Maritime Education and Training Institutions for Growth and Development in Africa: The Managerial Imperatives - Arit Mkpandiok, Ph.D and Ukpai Eni Ukpai, Ph.D 66
Human Resource Development: A Strategy for Sustainable Growth and Development in the African Education System – Petronila Chinonye Nnodim and A. C. Ngobili 81
Job Satisfaction of Business Studies Teachers in Edo State Junior Secondary Schools in Nigeria for Sustaining Quality African Education - O. Oamen; Tolorunloju Rowland James and
Laurenta Obehi Okonta 94
Impact of Workshop Trainings: Challenges for Christian Religious Studies Teachers in Sustaining Quality and Moral Education for Sustainable Growth in Nasarawa State Nigeria – Joseph Bawa Yaro 104
Using E-Library to Sustain Qualitative Kindergarten Moral Education Practice in Africa for Sustainable Growth and Development - Dr. Nancy Ngunan Ugbagir and Ngusha Simeon Abele 116
Restructuring the Nigerian Educational System: Focus on Early Childhood Education - Irabor Michael Odion; Osimen Samuel Ehi-Awolowo and Okhiria Idemudia 127
Effects of Teachers’ Transfer on School System and the Implication for Restructuring in Nigeria - Abumere Christopher Oribhabor; Tolorunloju Rowland James and Sadoh Abasi Omo-Osa 135
Sustaining Quality Adults and Non Formal Education through Vocational Education in Lake Chad Region of Africa in the Aftermath of Insurgency (A Case Study of Northeast Region of Nigeria) - Dr. Mulikat A. Yusuf; Dr. Mariam A. Zakari and Sule Samuel Sardauna 143
Overcoming Developmental Challenges in Nigeria through a Properly Administered Educational System - Okechukwu Ohia and Uloma Charity Oguzor 153