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Welcome To The Official Website Of Global Academic Group online resources: ISSN's,Google Scholar,Indexed..

About Global Academic Group

Global Academic Group Online Academic Resources organizes conferences and publishes academic journals. We provide a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students to impact and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation modes from all over the world. We create a more welcoming and intellectually simulating means of achieving sustainable education and intellectual goals.

The Group is based in Sierra Leone and India

We receive submission of original research papers on diverse disciplines, intellectual outlook, cognitive style that offer the breadth of ideas that constitute a dynamic intellectual journals. These include:

1. Agriculture

2. Animal Production/Science

3. Applied Chemistry/Biology/Physics

4. Applied and Natural Science Education

5. Arts & Social Sciences

6. Biological Sciences

7. Business /Secretarial Education

8. Brewing Science

9. Civil/Mechanical Engineering

10. Computer Science/Engineering

11. Curriculum and Teaching

12. Education for All

13. Educational Foundation & Management

14. Educational Policies

15. Educational Psychology/Guidance

16. Entrepreneurship Education

17. Fine and Applied Arts

18. Food Science Education

19. General Studies Education

20. Geography /Urban/Regional Planning/Geology

21. Humanities

22. Library/Information Science/Technology

23. Language Arts

24. Law and Civil Rights

25. Medical Sciences /Health Technology

26. Microteaching

27. Nomadic Education

28. Nursery Education/ Early Childhood Education

29. Primary Education

30. Secondary Education

31. Teacher Education

32. Technical/Vocational Education

33. University Education

34. Women Education and Empowerment

35. Guidance and Councelling

36. Universal Basic Education

37. Alternative Education

Any other relevant field of study

You Can Choose to Publish in the Following Journal:

1. The Intuition Based in United States of America

2. Approaches in International Journal of Research Development Based in Sierra Leone

3. African Education Indices Based in Egypt

4. Academic Discourse Based in Ghana

5. World Educators Forum Based in India

6. Knowledge Review Based in Nigeria

7. Multidisplinary Journal of Academic Excellence Based in Nigeria

8. Journal of Pristine Based in Nigeria

9. Multidisplinary Journal of Research Development (NARD) Based in Nigeria

10. Academic Scholarship Journal Based in Nigeria

11. The Coconut: Multidisplinary Journal of Environment, Agriculture, Science & Technology Based in Nigeria

12. Nigerian Academic Forum Based in Nigeria

13. Multidisplinary Journal of Empirical Research Based in Nigeria

14. Nigerian Journal of Curriculum & Instruction Based in Nigeria

15. Journal of Teacher Perspective Based in Nigeria

16. Journal of Resourcefulness and Distinction Based in Nigeria

17. Journal of Qualitative Education Based in Nigeria

18. Journal of Assertiveness Based in Nigeria

19. Nigerian Journal of Research and Production Based in Nigeria

20. Journal of Creative Minds and Productivity Based in Nigeria

Guidelines for Submission

1. Submit original research paper in Microsoft Word format to any of these e-mail as an attached document and state the journal in which it will be published

  • 2 Indicate the journal of your interest

    Note: Our editorial board evaluate every submitted paper for compliance with the ethical guidelines of repository.